Monday, February 13, 2012

Color Theory: Navy Blue and Mauve

Mauve, Mauve Grays, and Navy offer the perfect blend of masculine and feminine, a balance I am always seeking when working with a color palette.  Simple, classic and very elegant.  The anglophile in me always associates this timeless combination of colors with all things British.  Whether its the feel of a navy silk velvet paired with a mauve felted wool or the color of cherry blossom blooms against a night sky.  This combination is cool modern and crisp but very restrained. 

A deep navy blue can be so much more interesting in a space or in a wardrobe than black.  It has a certain warmth and complexity that black seems to often fall short on.

And while mauve and mauve grays often bring to mind bad fabric prints and leathers from the 80's, when used in the right texture and in the proper context offer a rich backdrop for creating a warm inviting space.

Bye for now.